Sunday, September 07, 2008

From Scientist to Scientology

Finally I have all the time on my sleeve to play with my blog layout. I did not revamp the whole layout, just the front banner. Maybe I will change the banner again when I got the pictures of St. Kilda from Jocelyn. Yes, St. Kilda is my most favorite place to go. Well, I brought all my friends to that suburb and introduce them to the restaurant that I dear so much.

Back to my entry topic. Scientist and religion. Do they click together? Being a researcher myself, sometimes I wonder whether do God exist? Or they are just a mere figure of purity by mankind to fulfill their curiosity in all that seems dim to them?

The more I ventured into research, the more skeptical I am, maybe because I am curious most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I still believe in God. However being a Buddhist, I believe God is in everyone. To reach Buddhahood, one needs to follow what the script said, yada yada yada ( I am not preaching over here). There is once I heard the funniest conversation I ever heard, and I sure to God (If there is any), I really looked down on that person after that. This is how it goes:

A: Do you know why there is global warming?
B: No
A: There is Global Warming because "GOD" is testing us human.
B: Really?
A: Yes of course. God is testing the will of human and our faith in him.

Okay, I can't remember how it ends. But I was neither A or B. I was a mere lister and I was laughing my heart out (quietly, didn't want to offend A). How can God "torture" humanity with global warming? From science, it is HUMAN who made this mess, not God....... Please don't be offended if you see "GOD", the first thing you think is Jesus Christ. It is not, so you guys can stop writing on the comment firing offensive remarks on me.

I think I used to think there is a God, someone who looked after you when you sleep? Now? I don't really think so. I don't even know where is Heaven (almost all religions have a Heaven and Hell). Above the clouds are some layers of nothing but charges. Below the ground that you and me are standing are a few layers or thick rocks and magma.

But of course every religions are teaching us to be good and pure. Where is a religion that say hurting others are good? War is the way to reach purity? This is why I still believe in my religion. Of course I won't further believe that someone will be waken from dead or someone who can elevate yourself from ground. Give me a true documentary or I will have to see it in my own eyes to believe that these are true. Like I said, scientist and research are all based on facts, not sentences from any old book or conversation from someone.

Speaking of skeptical, I am very skeptic with the Church of Scientology. How can some none scientist come up with this hullabaloo teachings? Believing in alien exist in some form and have something to do with existance of human..... I wonder are there any scientist who is a follower of Scientology.

disclaimer: This controversy entry is a two cent worth from the author. It is not trying to penalise or impose something unpleasent to any parties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are many scientists who are Scientologists. I know several personally, including two who work for NASA. They're brilliant men and forgot more about computers than I'll ever know.

It's really not that different from scientists who somehow warp their thought processes into believing that there's a case for Biblical Creationism, like the misguided scientists and professors who are science advisors for the "Creation Museum" near Cincinnati.

Is it silly? Well, yes, but religious beliefs and mythologies do tend to sound silly in general - especially from the perspective of people outside that religion. What's the big deal? They can believe that man descended from Shaving-Cream Monsters from Planet X for all I care.