Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Living On Your Own

After being away for so long, I finally get my arse to write something better and nothing about job hunting. Yeah, put that aside, people have heard enough from me the past few months.

I am actually going to ramble about the ability to live alone or on your own. Not a lot of people can do that. A lot of people are dependent or just like to stay in their own comfort zone. After staying on my own, I am those other people who can't live with their family anymore. Dread the idea of having to explain everything that I do/did to a second person. This is something I noticed that those people who can't live on their own seems to have very childish cute ( I am being polite) behavior. Example?

1. Don't eat anything that has bone. Need your mommy to de-bone them before you can put them into your mouth.

2. Complain on the weather being too hot while still wearing jeans at home. Or just plain sulking and complaining for no apparent reason. Okay, I might complain nonstop sometimes, but I always look for solutions and way to solve the problem. So there is different between plain complaining and complaining without thinking.

3. Cooking by the mean of zapping up frozen foods from the fridge and maybe some juice. Yeah, you will get all the nutrients just by the juice itself! What a good idea.

4. Spend money without thinking, i.e. camera, lifestyle, clothings, and etc.

5. Drink water upon asked/yelled by your mommy. Don't you think you can go away with not showering, and sleeping.

6. Oh waking up only when the sun shine onto your arse. Or with your mom shrieking for you to wake up. I am not saying it for certain days, but almost everyday. Asking parents to wake you up is slightly too pampering. If you can't wake up for the interview, then too bad. The fault is at yours.

7. Most of the wrong-doing is not your fault. Yeah, so NOT your fault.

8. I don't know what to say anymore. If I do find someone who is like this, I might add to the list. So for now, that will be it.....

And why I hate to stay with my relative (here comes my complain again, run away before you are traumatised by what I have said

1. I hate my freedom being restricted. I know when to sleep, and when not to sleep. I don't need you to yell at me to go to sleep. I definitely don't want you to do so.

2. I hate the fact my privacy is invaded every hour. Something to do with freedom, but more specific. I don't want you to walk into my room to see me watching porn (that has not happen yet).

3. I don't like people questioning everything (those nitty gritty stuffs) that I do. I know something they might not be up to a certain standard, but this is what I want it to be done. So be it.

4. I hate reporting my work to another person (those nitty gritty stuffs again).

5. This is the worst one. I hate being treated like a child. I am a young adult now, I definitely don't want to be treated like a kid. All the curfew and restriction could drive me nuts to the core.

But I guess everyone has to adapt for the time being. Those homey kid will have to adapt to their independent life and mine has to adapt to this caged life (for the time being).