Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Food of the Day: Economy Rice

First of all, I was jumping with joy when I knew that the Malay dance (Zapin) is cancelled! I do not need make myself ashame by shaking shoulders like Bollywood's actors! Although I am a malaysian, I am not a Malay. The last time I was forced to dance such dances is when I still a stupid primary schooler.

This few days, I am in heaps of stress, with studies and other useless stuffs. When most of my friends who came across me, they will mention how tired I looked..... If you are concern about my life, you might wonder what happen?

Okay okay, first thing first.

Felt like letting this out of my heart.
There is this idiot who can't seems to let go of his position. He thought he is so damn bloody awesome that everyone need to befriend with him.... He thought when he took up the president post in the club, he did nothing wrong. Now, after handing down his precious post to me, he thought he can bring me down. WHF?

You are the one who handed the post to me.... I was not fighting my ass for that. I don't even want that post...... Then he is using all the bad tricks, why is he so damn fucking coward that he don't come and talk to me face to face. Why you need to go tell people around me that I am not doing a good job?

I really dont understand. I never liked him anyway. Forced to be his housemate, and listen to him gossipping.... What does conversation to him means? It means he had all the conversation while whole group of people listening with gasping mouth.... How sissy is that? Get a life, and maybe a pair of ear. People are scared of him, he can't seems to stop talking. Like chicken ass, won't stop moving.....Everyone know how god-damn good are you, you don't need to show off anymore. Bousse to liki, farlour!

Then there is slight stress for my studies. This semester is my last semester. I need to get good grades so that I could continue with my Honours.... I can't even fail. Why? Monash Gippsland only offer one unit per semester. So if I were to fail *touch wood*, I need to wait for another year to wear the graduation gown......... I am touching the table (made of wood) so hard now. Hahaha. Then there is stress on getting scholarship for honours..... I am not a clever person. I am not a full scholarship student. Suddenly there is this pressure onto me to get a scholarship, not even a full one, is slightly too much. Lucky there is no such thing as full scholarship for honours in Monash. If so, I will died in a crawling posture (don't know why I like to put the posture.... hahaha)

I need to get back the touch of my life. I need my life back. But not now, not yet. Now all I need to do is to endure for June.

P.S. You might know the person I was fucking about, go tell him. I don't give a damn. Piss a moi

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