Saturday, September 30, 2006

Perfectionist Vs Imperfectionist

There are two types of people found abundance on this planet. Either they're perfectionist or they're imperfectionist. Some even brought the imperfectionism degree to the point where they become slackers.
Perfectionist: They're the people whom like to make everysingle things in their life perfect. Some are hyper perfectionism which they think they are the most perfect person (guy/gal) in the world and what they do and see are perfect. They won't take failure and take any mistake made. For them there were no errors in everysingle things they made. But how can that things happen? How can someone not make mistake? or a slight error? For guys, even you will shoot your pee outside the toilet bowl and leak....hehehehe. How can anything go successfully without error? Good scientist won't get the answer of curing STD without mistakenly found penicillium...Accepting mistake should be part of one life. So why don't make your life happier by accepting some mistake and listen to other people what they have to say.
Imperfectionist: They're called happy go lucky people as well. Luckily they do accept mistake but made heaps of mistake as well. hahhaahaa. I think I could be categorised into this group of idiots. I made heaps of mistake, mistake in my study or experiment, mistake in life and more uncountable mistake. And I do accept failure as the mother to success. Without failure where is success? I say imperfectionist is different from slacker as a slacker tends to do nothing and don't even care about the mistakes done.
So to all the perfectionist out there, don't make your life and others a living hell. Let go and be merry! And to all the imperfectionist out there, keep up the good work and don't become a slacker.


hui ru said...

I'm a perfectionist.. lol.. everything must be planned and executed well.. or I'll die!!! :P

Leon-G said...

My chicky friend, are you? You never met my MBB lab partner...