Sunday, August 19, 2007

Australian Antarctic Division

Suddenly I have an urge to write this entry. Yes, how pathetic huh? Other people have the urge to have sex, have an urge to eat fatty foods like Maccas, have the urge to join a drink feast, etc etc. But, I have an urge to writhe this entry.... Okay, okay, what is so important that Lex has to write this entry immediately, before he forgets. Well, the urge arises from me wanting to work temporarily for Australian Antarctic Division (AAD). Click on it if you wanted to know more about AAD.

I've been looking at the website for the whole arvo, my anticipation grew stronger and stronger. I love the winter (summer is the worst time ever, 20 years of summer, I had enough), and I love to help out the environment. Just so happen, they are doing several projects about remediation of petroleum! The research I am coincidently working on!!!!! Fat Aunt has suggested this idea to me previously, during the Adelaide trip. I was kinda unsure about that. What pulled me back previously?

  1. I need to wash my hair every single morning, my hair will become oily over the nite.....
  2. I need my electronic stuffs. I need my lappie and musics.
  3. I am kinda urban person, need to city's treat once awhile.
  4. Etc etc.
So what happened to me, that made me change my mind?
  1. I can shave my hair bald. I am willing to do that, just to go Antarctic. No hair means no worries. Hahaha
  2. I am not working full time in Antarctic!

This two reasons are enough for me to go there desperately! So what is my plan?

  • After my honours, I try my best best to get Aussie PR, and then get a stable job. Mostly related to research and environmental microbiology.
  • Work my ass off for one year, without break.
  • Take my accumulated leaves to work with AAD!
  • Go to Antarctic as Temporary Worker for Remediation of petroleum in Macquarie Island!!!!
Really really really hope my this dream can come true!!!!!! But this plan takes a bloody long time. Hope I still have the same fire in me after 2 years. Hahahhaa.

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