1st of June; The beginning of winter, but the end of my undergraduate. AND my GOWN DAY. Been waiting for that, one semester ago.... Okay, those who are not from Gippy, and got intimated/threaten (kiasu(s))/ etc etc, might not know what is that about.
Gown Day is the day where international student (only international student), get to wear their graduation gown (not any normal gown) and take heaps of picture everywhere in the campus. Of course they will charge us with the gown. Only $5 for rental of gown, and rather expensive studio price.... Well once in a lifetime, should not be so stingy.
There are heaps more picture I've not get from my Best Ke-Le-Feh (sidekick). Other pictures were posted in my friendster. Just nibbles on these at the moment.
The End of this Gown Day Part One. See you guys later. With love from this yellow-green riding hood guy. hehehehe
Thanks to Lai Peng, Ben, Cynthia, Rona, Mei Ying for the pictures.
Special thanks (there it goes) to: everyone who attend to my groupie photos. Will post it soon. Then I will list down your name. Be patient
I was reading one of my high-schoolmates blog, and he was talking about Amsterdam; where all they did is eating space cake/magic cake and smoke joints and the ever famous red district. Sound like a good life to me. But I won't do thaose stuffs, thanksfully. I rather go for mud cakes and non-smoking restaurants. hehehehehe.
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I miss the Binishell!!
Thanks, there are more to come!!!! I will consider putting some of the campus pictures. Maybe after my final!
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