Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ghost Festival

Food of the Day: Belacan Fried Rice

Yes, it is this time of the year. The time where I become a floating soul; floating around the house, and around the campus. What time is this? One may ask. Okay, this is the time where final exam is nearing, and I still have heaps of assignments and reports to hand in.

Every semester, I will have this syndrome, called Pre-Exam Syndrome. What are the symptoms of this syndrome?
Pre-Exam Syndrome symptoms:
  1. Dark and HUGE eye bags
  2. Messy hair
  3. Sometime pimples-full-skin
  4. May have the tendency to daydream heaps; especially to some nice places which that patient has planned, while having this syndrome.
  5. May be short-tempered, because the notes-memorising activity has used up most of the patient's temper.
  6. Might have a stress-looking face, and a black aura around that patient. Scarrrryy
  7. Have the floating ability, with some cloud-look-alike-thingy around the patient
  8. Other subtle to obvious symptoms might deviate from other people.

Anyway, this semester is my last semester for my undergraduate degree!!!!Hopefully I can graduate this sem, and continue with my Honours. Why am I qualified to have this syndrome? Okay, I have HUGE eye bags, with slightly messy hair, and I have some pimples, and I can really float around the house!

It is only 12am, but I am already knackered. Thanks to the early morning-wake-up-to-study-stupid-routine..... Btw, I am very psyche about my trip to Sydney!!!!! Yay!!!!! See what I meant now?


~*~Snappz~*~ said...

A post that *ALL* students can relate to! :o) All the best with getting your assignments in, and ope your exam revision goes well! :o)

Leon-G said...

Thanks snappz!!!!! You too.