Monday, February 05, 2007

Distance Relationship

Sometime when I looked at my friend's relationship, they always get me pondering. Two of my best friends, Nina and Hooi Yee, got boyfriends from A-levels, one in Singapore and another one in Hong Kong. People should know who are they, oh well the A-Level Monkey should know.

Anyway what is the good thing with distance relationship? Distance relationship means you need to go through the hell of time without each other. Having this fear that that person might went and find another partner and left you behind. Having this constant disbelieve. Feeling the same feeling as a Single Person, just that you got some person to release your stress!

Well from this fear and disbelieve, most of the relationship will just go down hill... Having such feeling, you might be single again... Then there is another question, Is it a good thing to start a relationship from a distance relationship?

Let put it in a case. Let say Adam is living in Ipoh, and Eve is living in Kuala Lumpur. The distance between Ipoh and KL is about 2 hours. Adam knows Eve when Eve is studying in Ipoh. However only when Eve had moved back to KL, Adam got closer with Eve and vice versa. Although it is only 2hour distance, is it a good to start this relationship? AND although they get closer, does it means that Eve will like Adam back? Maybe Adam's feeling is just admire? not love? So one good advice, don't think too much. Just do it.

Love and relationship is not like mathematics. One plus one is not equal to two. There is no direct answer and there is no expiry date for such thing as well. Valentine is coming soon, to all the single people, keep up your good work in finding the ONE. To all the couple, don't lazy and buy a super lousy present that make the date dumped you on the spot! Hehehehe


Anonymous said...

aiyoh, i dont believe in long distance relationship, it will never matter how long you have been dating....heeehhheee..;P

Anonymous said...

well you just need to trust that person. How well you believed in her/him is what is the most important thing.

Anonymous said...

My friend and her bf went out for 4 years. They got together right before the boyfriend went to US. After that they only meet for 1 month a year.

Long distance can work sometimes.. IF the other person is definitely coming back after a few years.. AND if the person is worth waiting for.. or else, forget it.. both waste time for nothing..

(PS my friend and her bf broke up in the end anyway :P)